Stupid Googe

There's a storm in a teacup brewing over Google's use of a strawberry and missing L in Google. I've blogged before about Google's employees being wackos, but this is one time the nutjobs at Google need some defending, and maybe some appreciation. If that is, their massive egos can take the additional praise without blowing a few gaskets.

The whole kerfuffle is over this:


First impressions - Don't try to con yourself. Here's what I went through when I first saw it on Google:

1. A thrill at being the first to discover Google screwing up.
2. A closer look at WTF is that between the O and the E.
3. Realization that it's a strawberry.
4. Taking a good look at it again. The stalk does look like an L...
5. Dismay that no one is going to digg this....

What does Google have to say about it? "When you look at the logo, you may worry that we forgot our name overnight, skipped a letter, or have decided that 'Googe' has a better ring to it," Google's Webmaster and official doodler, Dennis Hwang wrote on a company blog in response to the blogosphere's blather. "None of the above. I just know that those with true romance and poetry in their soul will see the subtlety immediately. And if you're feeling grouchy today, may I suggest eating a strawberry." Via

Steps 1-5 took me about 30 seconds to go through. Does that mean I have true romance and poetry in my soul? I don't know, but one thing I do know. Google's doodler's need a holiday - Preferably a long one, without access to the internet. And if they have nervous breakdowns or or other internet addiction withdrawal symptoms, no worries - It's all for the greater googe...

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