A Woman in Charge - Carl Bernstein

As the whole world probably knows, there's two books out on the life and times of Hillary Clinton. One of them is Carl Bernstein's 'A Woman in Charge'. It's been considered conventional wisdom that these books are 'hit jobs', on Senator Clinton, out just in time to co-incide with the '08 campaign building up. But I read today an excerpt from the book. So here's the deal, from the horse's mouth.

A Woman In Charge, by Carl Bernstein

"A sitting first lady of the United States was going to the state of New York where she had never lived and run for the Senate — while she was in the White House. And pull[ed] it off. Every political consultant in the world would say, Preposterous, it’s goofy. Where did that come from? And she did it.

Yet her credentials—as his wife, as a lawyer, and as a political strategist uniquely positioned to salvage the Clinton epoch—were unimpeachable."

Uh...doesn't seem anywhere close to a hit job. If anything, it only adds to the Hillary aura, as a fortress of determination, ambition and importantly, success. That's the key here. Bernstein repeatedly hammers home the point that Hillary got things done, and she had the backbone to do it and stand stiff against headwinds. If anything, it'll help earn a few votes and some poll points. Admitted, this is just an excerpt, and there are others which are not so flattering, but all said and done, no hit job this. I wouldn't be surprised if Carl Bernstein ends up writing President Hillary Clinton's memoirs.

Or, and this seems more likely, failed Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's memoirs. On a related note, what do you think she's going to do if she loses? Where does the Clinton saga go from there? Will they do a Bill & Melinda Gates kindof thing, or will she try to emulate Teddy kennedy and become a revered figure in the Senate? Or is there another twist to the plot left? Something tells me the next twist in the plot will come from Bill, not Hillary. Keep tuned, or read the friggin book.

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