Motel fit for a Highlander in Arlington VA

Do you know why it's so difficult to find Washington DC motels? Because there's so many of them minutes away in Arlington, VA. Given the choice, even people who work in DC opt for an Arlington residence. So when you're in DC, do as DCites do - Stay in Arlington.

And a good choice, if you're on a mean budget, is the Highlander Motel on 3336 Wilson Blvd. The equation is pretty simple - 5 minute walk from Virginia Square Station, free parking, free HBO and free continental breakfast.

Factor in the cheap rates (standard rates from $70), the upwardly mobile neighourhood with condos and apartment blocks coming up around the motel, easy accessibility to public transport and proximity to the Washington DC attractions.

You could say that you're getting the best of both worlds - accomodations in the orbit of the ultra commercialized and hyper-inflated DC proper lodging market, but with the convinience, homey touch and cheapness of Arlington.

There's a busy road out front, but some of the rooms are quiet enough to get a good night's sleep The rooms are quite spacious, relative to the rates and by DC standards, and brightly lit, with floor-to-celing windows and drapes.

And you have a splendid array of dining options, including Mario's Pizza and the aptly named Murky Coffee where you can hang out for free wi-fi internet and murky cups of coffee. What? The Motel itself does not have internet access, and besides, if you're looking for Zagat rated restaurants, DC ain't that far away...

Info: 3336 Wilson Blvd Arlington VA 22201; (703) 524-4300;

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