Data Entry Gig

Got something which is increasingly becoming a rarity - A data entry gig.

Need to mention here that if you try to search or find some more data entry jobs, specially via the the internet, what you'll end up with is a little less money in your wallet, the reason being that 99.99% of all companies offering to give and/or find you a data entry gig will charge you an upfront fee of between 20-100$ and in the end what you get is most likely a stale list of companies which you could have got on the net for free......

Point being that if you're looking for jobs on the net:
1. Never, ever pay for something which seems fishy.
2. Learn to discern what's genuine and what's a scam.

Here's some more listings:

Technical Writer - Click here
Social networking writer - Click here
Earth-Shattering Career Change Writer - Click here
Comment: Sorry, but I just can't let that one go by - An earth shattering career change in Washington, D.C., today, means only one thing - Going from the Capitol to a jail cell. Got a lot of exhibits for that including Reps. Duke Cunningham, Ney, Jefferson, Foley and a whole lot more coming soon. You're going to be kept quite busy trying to get this lot rehabilitated. So fire up that ol resume and apply for the job.

Oh yeah, for those who managed to suffer through all my blather and reach the end of this post, here's a 100$ reward.

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