A Big Pile Of Rubbish

Who's the biggest slob, living in the middle of a massive pile of rubbish? That would be 'you', as in Time's Person Of The Year. The internet has become a big pile of rubbish. Nobody reads anything except news and geek stuff. And yet, we all navigate and gingerly step over the billions of pages of rubbish, and leave it to someone else to clean up the mess.

Well, Hello - There is no one else. It's you that made the mess, and it's you that needs to clean it up. According to a survey of technorati results, 50% of blogs for 'E-Consultancy' were spam blogs or splogs. A quick google search for 'work at home' gave me the following first 100 results:

Number of scam alerts and government advisory results: 13
Number of services asking for money to get you a work at home job : 22
Outdated news : 3

That makes for 38 results, out of a total of 100, which are absolutely unnecessary, in the sense that if there were no scam sites asking for money, there would be no advisory listing to avoid scams, thus eliminating 35% of unwanted rubbish, leaving space for 35% more genuine and informative sites.

Let me ask you something. If you had 10 keys which looked the same, at first glance, in your pocket, and you had to try each one everytime you wanted to open the door, what would you do?

What we need to do here is clean up the internet. Why does wikipedia rank so well in google? Simply because there is no page on wikipedia which is not what it is meant to be. And who is it policed by? You. Unless the internet, as a whole, follows this principle, it's not going to be in business much longer.

There are over 1 billion internet users in the world, and that number is going up rapidly. The U.S.A. has exported many dirty habits, including gas guzzlers and junk food, to various parts of the world, and we're just beginning to understand the implications. Let's not make the same mistake with something as magnificient as the internet.

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