Freelance Jobs 7th March

Here's the jobs:-

Freelance part-time writer / editor wanted.

Web 2.0 blogger wanted. $10-20 per hour. Totally work at home and awesome gig. Perfect for a geek blogger.

Writer wanted to finish, uh...several books. This is either a bad joke by some craigslist regular who's sick and tired of all the 'writer wanted' ads or the guy who wrote the ad was punch drunk, hen-pecked and posted the ad just to spite his wife. Either way, take a look. Makes for some good reading, and you can't deny that they badly need a writer...

Someone has a few ideas, and I guess wants to get published. Though not written so explicitly, the poster is probably looking for someone to ghostwrite his book. $250-500

Handbag description writer wanted. $3 per description.

Art critic? Here's your chance to prove to momma that your obesession is finally gonna pay the bills.

Real estate web editor wanted.

'Women On Writing' mag looking for submissions from freelance writers. $50-75 per.

Weekly column writer wanted. Something to do with fashion, music, comic strips, etc.

Technical writers wanted. Well, not really. They're just filling up their list of 'available and impoverished tech. writers'. Still...

Now we're getting closer to the fun part. Shakespeare reviewers sought. It says no pay, but I guess that's beacuse of the new and tougher Craigslist rules. My guess would be that there is some monetary compensation involved.

Greenhorns wanted. Huh? Is it just me, or does it sound like the poster wants to use writers as guinea pigs for some dirty experiments? It's probably a nutty literature prof. These guys should be banned from using the internet. I'm gonna send him an email, though. And I'll post an update if I get a response.

Blog arranger wanted. LOL. Specially love the gems of wisdom part. I mean, whose blog doesn't have gems of wisdom? Ahem...Cough..Ok, let's get on with it...

Paid writing gig. Environment friendly. $.10 per word. My kinda gig.

And that's it for now. I've been posting on a forum which has some seriously flawed people. Heart goes out to them. Every post from one of them is a cry for help. But there's only so much help and advice and 'shoulder to cry on' you can offer on the net. All these people really need is some meaning to their lives. Anyway...

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