Save As Draft

Relax folks. Everything's under control. Iraq's not about to split up into three pieces. I'm serious. Not just channeling Baghdad Bob. I did an analysis of previous occupations of foreign territory by the U.S.A. Conclusion? Iraq is not lucky enough to get even a three way split. Bit more on that later...

Here's today's freelance jobs:

Novel writer wanted
Comment: They basically want someone to rewrite Romeo and Juliet with a few changes in location. Says on their website "...producing unique and quality films working with young new innovative thinkers..."
Web content writer wanted
Movie bloggers needed for blog posts
Copywriter wanted
Article writers wanted
Web content writer ( gardening )
Web content writer ( babies - cute ones )
Web content needed

I just had a few great ideas for articles, and I saved all of them as drafts. Which set me to thinking that this "save as a draft" thingy is probably the greatest innovation on the net since email and search engines.

To bloviate some more about drafts, there's a lot of squabbling going on over the draft. I'm a little confused as to exactly who wants to introduce the draft and who is oppposing it. Seems like a shifting sea of sand, which changes according to who's in power. President Bush started the war. Needless to say, he opposes a draft, so far. Bet you a brownie he'll be proposing one the day he's back in Texas, clearing brush and writing his memoirs. John Kerry accused the President of planning to introduce a draft during the 2004 elections. Now Dem Rep. Charles Rangel, who's been mooning about a draft for a few years now, wants to introduce legislation. The republicans are hopping mad and conservative bloviators are piling on Rangel. Question time : Do we need a draft? Are we going to get one? Who decides? Isn't this idea dead before it even takes off?

Well, depends on if we need a bigger force and if it is or is not possible by sending out recruiters to cajole volunteers into joining. If not....This again depends on how long we plan to stay in Iraq. If you're gonna cut and run, then there's not much drafting to be done, huh? So, ultimately, whether or not we need a draft or we're gonna get one, is not going to be decided by the White House, or by Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid, but by Baker and new def-sec Robert Gates. Which, BTW, means that after all the talk and all the brovado, Junior ( Bush 43 ) still needs to go to Dad ( Bush 41 ), to clean it up after it hits the fan.....

A Baghdad Bob like statement, if I may. Iraq is not about to split into three pieces. Why do you think there's two Koreas? Germany? Yougoslavia? Because we, umm..won, sortof. Whenever the U.S.A. achieves a pseudo victory, there's a split. If we lose, like in Vietnam, there ain't no split, but the bad guys take the whole cake. What do you think is going to happen in Iraq? A split or Vietnam II? Judging from this administration's track record, we'll be seeing Vietnam II somewhere in mid 2009 when the next President orders a withdrawal from Iraq. This is also going to the main reason that the Republicans are in for one more thumpin in 2008. So, if you're a conservative, might as well stay at home.

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