Data Entry Work

Is there data entry work available on the net? I get this question a lot. Yes, there are data entry jobs available on the net. You can become a data entry typist. Where are these jobs, and how do I apply for them?

Craigslist data entry jobs - This is a list of craigslist data entry jobs, which is constantly updated as google updates it's search listings for craigslist. You should, however, have the sense to know which of these give you real data entry work, and which ads are marketing junk. data entry jobs - Tjobs is the first and probably the best source for telecommuting jobs. I used to get work from this site when freelancers were as rare as bald eagles. The site is absolutely genuine, the employers pay on time. Only one small problem. You need to pay a fee to be able to apply for the jobs. Your call.

Other than these two, the one way you can get a data entry job is by contacting companies who are providing data entry services. Problem is, most of these companies are based in India. Even if they are based in the U.S.A., they still might be outsourcing their work to a contractor in India. There's precious few who are based in the U.S.A. and hire employees locally. Telecommuting employees. Here's one example of such a company:

Lake data services Inc.Lake data center Inc. - Unlike many other data entry services, Lake Data Center Inc. is an American owned and operated data entry company.
What's our formula for success? The answer lies in our employees.....
Send em an email. Beg for a job. Say you're the best data entry typist in the western hemisphere.

You want to find more companies like Lake data, do a google search. You can also get data entry contracts at freelance markets like, and However, the bids on most of these contracts are ridiculous. There are people from all over the world applying for the same gigs, and it's all open bidding. It's like getting into a mud fight. You can beat them, but you sure don't feel like a winner at the end of the match....

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