Work-At-Home Success Expo

Around five years back, the dot-com bubble had just been pricked and I was in a big, deep hole. And everyday that went by, I was simply digging deeper. During that dark and scary period there was only one ray of hope. Not far from my home, there was this small bookstore. A place where you could forget all your anxieties and lose yourself in wondrous tales of great courage and adventure. I read Garfield. Every single comic ever printed about the lazy fat cat.

Funny? To me, it was more than funny. It was what I looked forward to each day. It was my daily fix. Something like Oprah. Point is, I can't pass a bookstore without thinking about Garfield and those scary days. What would I have done if that bookstore had closed shop? You tell me.

Mark Abley, journalist and book writer, laments the demise of book stores in Montreal. "The specifics were unique to Montreal, but the trend was the same across the country: the relentless expansion of chain stores and the shrinkage of the independent sector. For casual consumers, this may be irrelevant. But for people who love books — and especially for those who write and publish — it means a lot. It means we have fewer and fewer stores where our passion and our livelihood will be honoured."

And fewer places where you can sit around reading the adventures of Garfield....

Coming up in Jan 2007 is the Work-At-Home success expo, which fittingly you can attend from the comfort of your home. Tag-line? Make 2007 The Year to Work At Home!. Nice.

"Palmyra, VA - Ready to lose the commute, but still need to earn income? Then don't miss Work-At-Home Success' first annual Work-At-Home Success Expo held in January 2007. WAHS Expo will be held in the virtual and feature informative interviews with work-at-home experts, exhibitions of products, services, and opportunities related to working at home, and much more." - Wahs-Expo. And in case you wandered in here looking for a work at home job, click here.

Only one question: Has a virtual expo ever been held before? I looked it up on google. Not only have virtual expo's been held on the net before, but there are event organising companies offering to organise your virtual expo. How come I didn't know about this?

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