The Truth vs. Objectivity

Again, apologies for dredging up this comatose blog. Problem is, I could not think of a better place to write this. Hate Associated content, and I'm pretty sure it would have been rejected outright ( if not posted in the daily funnies section ) by any and all recieving editors. For what it's worth - The question is, to a journalist, is truth more important or objectivity?

I know where I stand on this question - The truth provides the backbone for everything I write and most of what I do. Not to say that I don't lie, but when confronted with oppposing viewpoints pulling me in different directions, I defer to the truth - And let the chips fall where they may. The reason I'm harping on this is because I feel that objective journalism ( a front for trying to appear non-partisan ) is driving the coverage. Reporters, analysts and talk-show hosts are careful to quote the viewpoints of both sides, without appearing to hold an opinion themselves. Fine, you're not an opinion columnist. Reporting waht people said is fine. But if you know a clear and plainly apparent falsehood brewed into the statements, do you still quote, without questening the falsehoods or refuting them? If it makes yu partisan, so be it. The truth must speak.

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