Editors vs. Writers

I was completing a writing job for a client, and I had to write a small paragraph about writers not having to worry about shoddy work, so long as there was an editor to clean it up. At that time, the thought struck me that that was all editors were good for.

What I mean is, how many editors are accomplished writers? If they were accomplished, they wouldn't be paper-pushers drinking stinking mugs of coffee and poring over stinking work from stinking writers, now, would they? The reason I'm crowing about this is that I was reminded that knowing the science of writing and where to put in and take out a comma doesn't make you a writer. It's whether or not you have the art of writing inside you that makes you a writer.

So, do you think writing is an art or a science? Answer will be a very good indication of whether you'll end up with your mugshot in a best-seller list or drinking coffee at 3 a.m., trying to decide whether the writer mistakenly emailed the piece to you instead of the fiction editor.

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