Freelance Jobs 10th Nov

Web Writers Needed - Click Here

Freelance content writers - Click Here

Freelance Editors Needed - Click Here

Got blog? - Click Here

Writer / Researcher - Click Here
Comment: If you fit the bill, and you get the gig, you might be busy for quite some time.

Get Paid to Rant About Books - Click Here
Comment: I've been doing so much reading about book reviews since yesterday that I'm quite hazy about which links I already posted. But, just to be on the safe side, I'm posting this one again.

Internet Start Up / Business Writing Opportunity - Click Here

By the Y... - Click Here
Comment: I have, um.., nothing to say about the needs of the gal, but I do have one question - what's Y... stand for?

Tic Tac Toe Players - Click Here
Comment: Duh. And then you ask me why jobs are being outsourced out of the US. With nitwits like this hanging around on the net wasting their time, it's a wonder the US isn't a third world country already...

Which brings me to this ( Warning : This has nothing to do with telecommute jobs or freelance writers... ):

Third World Workers Need Western Jobs
I'll quote the paragraph which makes me want to puke, if preferably onto the above author's face:
"The issue of child labor has long been a flashpoint in the globalization debate. As repellant as the notion of child labor is, the harsh truth is that a Western company that stops using child labor in some Third World nations does not change the economic conditions that had those children working in the first place. Nor does it change the local cultural standards that accept and expect child labor. Unfortunately, in many corners of the globe, closing the factories and sweatshops to children often just seals for them a far worse fate."

The State Of the Worlds Children

How low can someone fall in order to justify some preconcieved notions? I'm not going to argue about this point by point or provide links to prove him wrong because it's not necessary. All I want to say is that if something you do is right and truthful, you never, ever have to be ashamed of doing it. Is there a single - Just name me one - company which says that "Yes, we do employ child labor, and what we're doing is right"? You won't find one. I wish someone would wake up the klutz who wrote that article and ask him to take a good look in the mirror.

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